Welcome to the One Nation Calendar Coalition’s new website!

The Mission of The One Nation Calendar Coalition is To Provide A Culturally Sound, Torah-based Calendar That Enables Israelites to Observe The Appointed Times of the Most High in Their Correct Seasons.

Please note: All dates are thoroughly researched and agreed upon by The One Nation Calendar Coalition Board Members.

Each day listed may vary one day forward or one day backward, based upon when the actual sighting of the new moon occurs. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact us by email at: calendarcoalition@gmail.com.

ONCC Holy Day

Gregorian Calendar 2025 Dates

Biblical Holy Day

Rosh Hashana

(New Year)

   March 31th


ראש השנה



  April 13th

at sunset


1st Chag Matzote

(Unleavened Bread)

  April 14th


אי חג המצות

7th Chag Matzote

(Unleavened Bread)

  April 20


זי חג המצות

Chag Shavuot

(Feast of Weeks)

 June 8th


חג השבועות

Yom Teruah
(Day of Shouting)

  Sept. 24th


יום תרועה

Yom Kippurim
(Day of Atonement)

 Oct. 3


יום הכפורים

1st Chag Sukkot
(Feast of Tabernacles)

Oct. 8


אי חג הסוכות

Shemini Atzeret
(8th Day of Assembly)


Oct. 15


שמיני עצרת

The Biblical Holy Day begins at sunset on the day before the date listed and continues for 24 hours until sunset on the following day.

Example: If 1st Unleavened Bread is listed as April 2nd then the holy day commences at sunset on April 1st through sunset on April 2nd.

The O.N.C.C. is committed to sending two representatives to Israel each year to proclaim “First Fruits” (Barley) in its Abib state, thus declaring the month of Abib. [Exodus 12:2; Deut.16:1].  If you would like to make a monetary donation to help offset the travel cost of our group members, please make a Donation today!  Your contributions are greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
O.N.C.C. Board of Directors